Logo – say what?
In todays world there are so many different businesses out there that it can be overwhelming when you are trying to remember that shop you saw a few days ago. That’s where a good business logo can help. Your logo is a visual identifier for your consumers (people that want to buy your goods or services) that tells them that is you and what you sell is what your company stands for. Just think of icon logos like McDonalds, Woolworths or USA. All of these companies or countries have a distinct logo that says ‘this is us’.
When we look at some of the largest advertising spaces in the world like Times Square New York you can see from the photograph how a logo can make an impact on the consumer. Sometimes you only need to have a well known logo on the big screen and everyone knows who it is. But how do you get your business logo to be that well known. Well I’m not going to lie it takes time.
Unlike the current generation who think everything happens with one click or to buy ‘likes’ and that will give you instant fame. Your business will find its feet not only through the quality goods or services that you provide but with constant viewing of your logo and branding by the traditional methods of marketing and new technological methods (but more about that in a later post). The focus today is to check if your logo will cut it!
The team at the studio have some simple questions that we ask our clients to make sure that the logo we design for them is a true reflection of not only their company but also them and what they stand for. Everyone is different and has a different style. Your logo should reflect your style if you are a small business owner otherwise it would be like wearing someone else’s clothing (it just doesn’t feel right). Once we have created the logo that is a perfect match for you the rest of your marketing campaign can happen organically as you know what you are putting out there is actually something ‘you yourself’ would buy. Now many people have said in the past that you do not need to buy your own products to be successful, whilst that’s true if you are working for a multi national company but they have a pretty big brand book that tells you what they want you to say and how you are to think in their same head space.
A logo can easily be created on any one of the self made logo websites but we often find clients who have done this come unstuck when it is time for them to use that logo in print or need to change the size. If you are ever going to not skimp on something getting a good logo is the first step in building your business brand.
With our clients we start with the basics and ask a series of questions to try and get on the same page as you. These might inclue:
- What colours do you like and not like?
- What feeling do you want your logo to convey?
- How would you like the typography(text) to appear? Eg – script, bold, light, hand drawn, custom lettering.
- What are your favourite logos out there?
- Where are you going to use your logo?
If you asked this about your current logo would your answers reflect who you are and who your business is?
Just by asking these simple questions we can get started on the design concepts and know that we have a direction from the client. Importantly we must remember when we refer back to iconic brands whatever was the fad at the time or on trend is not necessary the best way to have your logo created. Just out of interest go and look at all of the most known brands in a department store and see how many of them are using the latest text, style or colours. Not many – the icons of logos are always CLEAN, CLASSIC and SIMPLE to read.
If you need help with your logo or you need one to get your business rolling I’d be happy to help just email me at jewel@bcr8ivemedia.com for a free quote.
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